My Academy is Your Academy.
-What is knowledge Academy?
-Why we need an Academy?
-Who is the Academy for?
-The content of Academy?
-Retention and protection of knowledge from past to future?
If you are running a ready mixed concrete company and do not have an Academy,
My Academy is Your Academy.
To whom it may concern:
I have summarized all my studies in below given web page.
You can organize your trainings/seminars/academy through making use of my knowledge library.
The most popular trainings are:
A. Readymix Concrete – Safety Training
B. Concrete Pump – Operator Training
C. Concrete Truck – Driver Training
D. Readymix Concrete – Dispatch Management
E. Concrete Truck – Fleet Management
F. Concrete Batchplant – Operator Training
G. Readymix Concrete – Management Trainee (Genç Yönetici)
I can prepare ppt presentations, videos and other possible materials etc. in Turkish and in English on behalf of your company.
All training materials are updated according to the developments in the subjects. The theory may not change, but applications can change according to current technology.
Shortly my work experiences in different positions:
23 years concrete pump, concrete truck and batchplant companies
18 years truck companies
3 years at construction sites in Arabic countries.
Furthermore during last 30 years I have prepared several books for concrete equipment, trucks and logistic as well as sales and marketing. I have also lectured hundreds of trainings in the related fields.
We can conduct together seminars and trainings for your esteemed company. My library and sources are not limited with the given lists in my web page. Because my existing job is mainly developing, organising and lecturing of requested trainings.
I can do my best with more than 40 years work experience in the related fields. Awaiting your kind invitation for the contribution to your activities.