The wheel loader is a vital machine for any ready mixed concrete plant.

The main function of wheel loader is to shovel and load loose materials and transport them in short distance. It has the advantages of fast operation speed, high efficiency, good maneuverability and easy operation. Any batching plant machine park would be incomplete without a wheel loader. What wheel loaders are, how they work and what kinds of tasks they can help with in readymix batching plants will be explained briefly in this e-Book.

Wheel loaders are used for different purposes in ready mixed facilities. There is a lot of material movement and loading which is done routine or continuous, special or sometimes. Major tasks to be carried out by a wheel loader at a batching plant are mixing and handling of aggregates, truck loading, backfilling and bush clearing, lifting of materials, towing for recovery, etc.

Although there are many types of mobile machines that can be used for these jobs, wheel loaders are preferred because of their high mobility and versality. The mobility of wheel loaders is a very important reason for preference for ready-mixed concrete plants. This machine can be used inside and the outside of the facility, if necessary.

A wheel loader that is not well taken care of and not used properly can cause fatal accidents in ready mixed concrete plants, to plant equipment, to company trucks, the supplier’s trucks carrying aggregate and cement etc. On the other hand, in case of malfunction, the operation of the plant is at risk. If the wheel loader is out of work, it can cause great losses to the plant.

The wheel loader operator is generally responsible for the safe and proper handling, loading and storage of aggregate materials and for the proper care and maintenance of the machine.

However, since the wheel loader will not be given a full-time job for production in ready mixed concrete plants, the operator is also expected to assist with other tasks with or without the machine such as maintenance of ready-mix plant equipment and for general housekeeping of plant property and premises.

This e-Book has been prepared for general information purposes. It is intended for the use of wheel loader operators, production and safety professionals and other related plant personnel. The study covers following chapters; what is wheel loader, operating wheel loaders, inspection of wheel loader, working at batchplant, other loader works, loader maintenance, work safely, hazard control, loader operatör, etc.

Timuçin Özsöylev


WhatsApp : +90 532-4161387



What does a concrete batch plant operator do?

Contemporary concrete plants and innovations have been made more complicated the plant operator’s job. However, reduced the demand for physical labor and improved the batching accuracy, efficiency and versality of the avarage plant.

Qualification of the operator should be based on knowledge of the basic of concrete and the proper operation of the equipment. The other specifications of qualified operator; thorough knowledge of all aspects of batching operations, communication and leadership skills, proficient understanding of computer programs and systems related to the job, physical condition capable of performing labor in all weather conditions, conscientious and organized for an efficient work environment, capable of performing a variety of clerical duties, hand-eye coordination needed for manual labor, ability to work in a team toward a common goal,etc.

It is obvious that the design of concrete mixtures is not the operator’s responsibility. The operator will be given the required concrete proportions and that it is his duty to accurately produce the concrete based on the mix design formulas.

The operator’s duties include setting the mixing rates, unit weights, volumes and yields to customer or plant specifications, monitoring the mixing process and performing quality assurance tests during and after the batching operations.

The operator’s duties may also include other functions associated with maintenance, transport, logistics, order processing, ensuring the order is prepared for transport in a mixer truck and documenting daily production reports, etc.

The purpose of this eBook is to provide basic background and information required for running batch plants and manufacturing the concrete.

Timuçin Özsöylev


WhatsApp : +90 532-4161387

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