From engineering to management…

-This is the unique program for engineers covering operation and business knowledge in the ready mix industry.

-Engineers often have problems explaining what they did and achieved in business language. This study was prepared to fill this gap.

-Engineers who work with great technical expertise and devotion in production and in the field must also be able to express themselves to the management quickly, accurately and clearly.

-Engineers who can achieve this can reach to ‘the title of manager’ more easily.

-My book, ‘From Engineering to Management’, which I prepared years ago for fresh engineers, went through three editions and sold thousands of copies.

-The readers, mostly new engineers, said, ‘We need this, because we want to rise immediately’.

-There is nothing magical about this work, but I have great faith that the participants to this three-days program (Readymix Business-Operation-Sales) will rise in their career very quickly…

Timuçin Özsöylev
Whatsapp: +090 532 4161387


Suddenly you can be appointed to a managerial position, but are you ready for this?

Regardless of your profession, if you have an engineering degree and have worked a few years in the readymix industry (at production, in the field, laboratory, machine park, workshop, purchase, sales, R&D, BI, etc.) you can rise to a managerial position on some occasion, with your success, with your stance or with the separation or leaving of someone. Because the readymix industry gives you this chance and opportunity.

But the problem here whether you have prepared yourself for this position? You may think that you are confident and a leader character and it is normal to expect such appointment and a rise in the company you work for at any time. But are you ready now for this?

Consider that you have risen with your success in your own branch. But there are many departments and works in the company, all different from each other! How can you cover each of them. Should you really understand them in detail? For example; can you design a concrete recipe or make a slump test or repair a machine or purchase raw materials and some spares or make the dispatch. And should you know how to keep account? Or is the management something else entirely?

What do you need to know about readymix plant management?
Is there a common denominator that unites all of activities?
Or what would your boss or senior management want to see?
How can you measure the company’s success?
How can you calculate the KPIs?
Which criterias stand out for this?
What is managerial accounting?
How to cycle the cash money in the safe?
How can you ensure daily production and shipment?
What should you do and overcome at a crise time?

Do not worry, all of above and even more info available in this study just for you!

Timuçin Özsöylev
Whatsapp: +090 532 4161387


Why dispatchers need to work with hire services?

-It is almost impossible for readymix companies to have all size and all kind of concrete pumps for every projects in their machine park.
Under normal circumstances, readymix companies create their machine parks within a plan and according to the needs of the region and their target market. But sometimes they may need a short term or stand-by pump or pumps for daily works and special projects.

-Have you ever calculated the cost of a large boom pump for a short-term project? You may be in need of this pump only at the end of the project, let say just one month. It is obvious that such an investment would not be economical. What will you do with this pump after the project is completed? How long will it take to depreciate it? In the cost calculation you should also take into account the cost of the expert operator of this special machine.

-The use of some pumps and equipment may require expertise. For example, big boom pumps, high rise stationary pumps, moli, hydraulic distributors and long horizontal and vertical delivery line, etc. And keeping these equipment in the park is not economical where there are hiring option and companies.

-Think about hydraulic distributor booms. This equipment normally are not expected to keep in the park of a readymix company. Is it worth to create and keep an expert team for such project. Unless it’s your particular area. Because there are companies that rent complete system equipment together with expert, trained and experience team in this special field.

-Forget all above, just think about the cost of additional standby concrete pump? You may need in the case of one of your concrete pumps have an unexpected malfunction during pumping. Or the constructor requests a stand-by pump in order not to take any risk for pumping and the concrete team for the sake of planned operation. Because in construction works, every process runs connected to each other and if one link of the chain breaks, the project will suffer great damage.

-These are some subjects why readymix companies need to work with pump hiring companies. Dispatchers should always be in close contact with these companies and know about their expertise, machine park and prices for the equipment, team and other possibilities. Because they are the first responsible to solve such problems in order to work effectively and efficiently!

Further subjects to be discussed at mutual workshop:
1. How do you calculate the cost for a standby pump?
2. What are the parameters of the pumping cost per m3 concrete?
3. What is the maintenance cost of a pump?
4. What is the cost of an expert operator?
5. Is there a cost for customer satisfaction?
6. What is the main subject of a readymix company?

Timuçin Özsöylev
Whatsapp: +090 532 4161387


How can you repair a concrete pump malfunction at site?

The subject of this study is to inspect and detect and appropriately eliminate the failure points of concrete pump and delivery line for the problems that may occur during pumping operation.

The site repair tips include followings:
-What needs to be done in case of a problem during pumping at site?
-Which safety precautions should be taken before starting a detailed fault search?
-Can you repair the problem at site?
-Have you got the necessary parts with the machine?
-What would be the cost if you continue for pumping with this problem?
-Whether is it worth for the sake of operation?
-Should the priority be given to solving the problem or completing the work?
-Should you inform the facility for a spare pump?
– Who should decide to continue for pumping or stopping. Operator, dispatcher, forman or workshop?
-Whose mistake is this? Operator, dispatcher, workshop, operation team or whom?
-Why above questions are very important for the customer satisfaction and who should think about that?

Troubleshooting requires detailed knowledge for concrete pump technology and machine control as well as fundamentals of pumpable concrete. Of course the pump operator can make some site repairs but provided he is prepared and trained!

Naturally, we cannot expect the pump operator to diagnose every malfunction of the machine and repair it! However, we can consider this like a first aid of the operator in an emergency while waiting a doctor!

If it is delayed or made wrong intervention for the arrangements for prevention the failures it may be much more expensive then you think apart from the stopping the operation.

For example, the pump operator can replace a blown fuse if he has it with him. However even at such an easy intervention if he is not trained and use wrong fuse may lead a much higher cost malfunction.

Before starting the emergency cleaning process, the dispatch department should be informed for the incident to stop the delivery of concrete. And depending on the situation, the facility may be asked to provide a spare pump if necessary.

I hope this e-book will be useful to the entire concrete team working in the field as well as dispatch and workshop responsibles.

And finally, if we talk together we can make your team be prepared in order to make your operations more economic, timely, satisfactorily and safely…

For more info, you can read my following books:.
-Concrete pump technology
-Concrete pump performance
-Concrete pump hydraulics
-Concrete pump electrics
-Concrete pump mechanics
-Concrete pump risk assesment
-Concrete pump operator
-Pumpable concrete
-Pumping concrete
-Concrete pump – Who is quilty at site accidents?
-Readymix operation management

Timuçin Özsöylev
Whatsapp: +090 532 4161387


Lider sevilmeli mi, yoksa liderden korkulmalı mı?

-Korku, liderler için hala üstün bir silah mı, korkulan liderler daha fazla etkiye mi sahip? Geleneksel sistemde, katı standartlar uygulanır ve çalışanlar üretime katkılarına göre ödüllendirilir. Liderler kurallara uymaya dayalı olarak teşvik ve cezalar uygular.

-Korku lidere saygı kazandırabilir. Korkuyla saygı ve otoriteyi aşılamak daha kolay ve daha kısa sürede mümkün olabilir. Ancak, korku nefrete dönüştüğünde, itaat almak yerine çalışanlar kontrolü aktif olarak reddedebilir.

– Korku, performansın artmasını sağlarken çalışanlar arasında istikrarsız bir ilişki yaratır. Aynı zamanda, sıkı kurallar yaratıcılığı ve sadakati yok edebilir.
Korkuya dayalı bir iş gücü, hatalarının sonuçlarından endişe duyduğu için risk almaya daha az eğilimlidir. Sonuç olarak yaratıcılık ve üretkenlik zarar görür.

-Korkuya dayalı bir kültür, büyümeyi ve gelişmeyi engelleyebilir. Yetenekli çalışanları korkutup kaçırma riskiyle karşı karşıya kalabilirsiniz. Yerine koyulması zor özel kişilerle çalışıyorsanız, başka bir yerde kolay iş bulabilir ve hatta rakibe gidebilir, dolayısıyla onları şirkette tutmak zor olabilir.

-Günümüzde geçmişin aksine, sevginin korkudan daha etkili ve motive edici olduğu düşünülüyor. Çalışanlar artık katılıktan hoşlanmıyor ve yapmacık
korkak çalışan yüz ifadesi takınmak istemiyor. Eğer sevilen bir liderseniz, işyerinde anlaşmazlık veya güvensizlik duygularına yakalanma olasılığınız daha düşüktür.

-Etkili yöneticiler, çalışanların görevlerini yerine getirdiğinden ve hedeflerine ulaştığından emin olmalıdır. Ancak bunun için sert ve baskıcı bir ortamın dayatılması tek seçenek değil. Bazen sert olmak da gerekebilir ama bu korkulma anlamına gelmemeli, sadece görevlerin tamamlanmasını kolaylaştırma amacıyla olmalıdır. Çalışanlar sizin iyi bir insan olduğunuza inanır ve severlerse, bilgi konusunda size güvenme olasılıkları daha yüksektir ve yararlı bilgileri paylaşmaya daha yatkındır.

-Acaba lideri sevmek iş disiplinini bozabilir mi? Liderler çalışanları performans göstermeye motive etmelidir. Bunun için, çalışanların sorunlarını dinlemesi ve onlarla açık bir şekilde konuşması, ancak gerektiğinde otorite kullanması önemlidir.

-Özellikle doğal liderler atama liderlerden daha fazla çalışanların özel hayatlarıyla ilgilidir. Çalışanların özel hayatlarını bilmek faydalı olsa da dezavantajları da vardır. Buda doğal liderlerin en zayıf noktasıdır!

WhatsApp: 5324161387


There may not be a magic formula for every company.

Focusing on the topic, sharing ideas.

Evaluating different perspectives…

We just need to see the big picture.

Let’s talk together, create your own solutions.

For mixer truck and concrete pump dispatch.

Scientific approach and proven international practices.

Logic and simple mathematical calculations.

Interactive works, that everyone benefits.

Thanks for contributers and all participants.



WhatApp: +90 532 416 1387



May be concrete pumping is one man show!

But the pump dispatch behind that is a logistic organization and a matter of knowledge, experience, problem solving as well as a team work.

Do not forget ninety percent of readymix concrete are pumped!

The pump operator is the last person in contact with customer.

Total efficiency of the operation and customer satisfaction depend on pump dispatch.

In order to create a team culture within the related departments and bring scientific approach and a new vision to your operations, let’s talk together with your;

– Dispatchers

– Formen

– Workshop responsibles

– Salesmen

– Procurement

– Plant chiefs

– And who wants to increase efficiency in the company

Let’s talk together and make your operations more efficient!

Waiting for your kind invitation for one-day workshop with your operation team…


Timuçin Özsöylev

WhatsApp : +90-5324161387

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