Let’s talk – You are the manager! From engineering to management…
This workshop is for engineers who wants to change his/her position from engineering to management.
Or for those in the orientation process for any management position in a readymix company.
Suddenly you can be appointed to a managerial position, but are you ready for this?
Regardless of your profession, if you have an engineering degree and have worked a few years in the readymix industry (at production, in the field, laboratory, machine park, workshop, purchase, sales, R&D, BI, etc.) you can rise to a managerial position on some occasion, with your success, with your stance or with the separation or leaving of someone. Because the readymix industry gives you this chance and opportunity.
-This is the unique program for engineers covering business, operation and sales knowledge in the ready mix industry.
-Engineers often have problems explaining what they did and achieved in business language. This study was prepared to fill this gap.
-Engineers who work with great technical expertise and devotion in production and in the field must also be able to express themselves to the management quickly, accurately and clearly.
-Engineers who can achieve this can reach ‘the title of manager’ more easily.
-My book, “From Engineering to Management”, which I prepared years ago for fresh engineers, went through three editions and sold thousands of copies.
-The readers said, ‘We need this, because we want to rise immediately’.
-There is nothing magical about this work, but I have great faith that the participants to this three-days program (Readymix Business-Operation-Sales) will rise in their career very quickly…
Part 1. covers fwg topics: readymix business, engineers in readymix industry, engineering management, business intelegence,
readymix kpı’s, position your company, improve the business, technology in readymix, digital transformation in readymix
and others….
Part 2. covers fwg topics: production of readymix concrete, problems at production, fleet and driver productivity, operation efficiency, crisis management, preventive maintenance, safety measures, environmental issues, how to be sustainable, and others….
Part 3. covers fwg topics: sales of readymix concrete, sales guide and sales skills, success in sales, market analysis and trends,
understanding customers, conflicts btw sales and dispatch, cost calculation of readymix, pricing of readymix concrete,
think like the boss and others….
Timuçin Özsöylev
WhatsApp : 0532-4161387
Mail : ozsoylev@gmail.com
Web : www.ozsoylev.com